What a skyline, hey? ;-)
I didn't take this photo... and hopefully once I move, maybe I can get something a little better.
But yes.... the house (finally) sold, and we're on our way back to Wisconsin. Yay! We close on 10/30, and then we'll be on our way back to the land of cold n snow. Since we didn't decide exactly where to be (Green Bay or Appleton, city or country), we'll be renting - in Neenah - at least til Spring.... so we have time to really check things out, make an informed decision, and then hopefully, this will be the very last move - ever.
I had forgotten everything that's involved with moving... lots of funny stuff, but not a lot of time to write about it. From the incompetent realtor to the buyers asking for almost everything in the house (!!!), to the demands on the part of the buyer to have this or that fixed... the cancellation of utilities & services and the set-up of new utilities & services... the very equally divided list of pros & cons of staying vs moving... the need to come up with an entire new wardrobe (even the lightweight jackets we had are packed)... shorts & t-shirts just won't cut it in WI.... so much stuff involved.
So I probably won't be around here much at all for the next month.... but now with 11.5 months of winter, I think I'll be spending more time indoors, and might have more time here. I hope so!
No question in my mind as far as what's one of the best neighborhoods in Green Bay....there are lots of good places, but one GREAT place is the Astor neighborhood:
Once again, no email notification when someone left a comment. Grrrr!
Yes! Great neighborhood! Well, I don't know about the people, but the homes are terrific! And unlike some historic neighborhoods in other communities, many homes are still affordable.
I have trouble choosing a place to live, because I like just about everything (when it comes to anything - heh) But if I don't end up in the country, I hope to end up in a neighborhood like Astor. You obviously have good taste. heh
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