23 February 2008

pop it out ! (the finetune player)

Okay okay.... I'm excited! heh

In the past, when you'd click on the www.finetune.com player, and then clicked on a link on the blog, the music would stop.

But NOW............. all you have to do is hold your cursor (arrow) over the album cover, and watch for it to say "pop the player out". Click that. It will open the player in a new window. That way, you can keep listenin to tunes while readin the blog. Just remember you have an extra window open. You can either close it, or go back to the player on the main page, and click where it says somethin like "listen right here".

Finetune keeps getting better & better. Their website is a lil slow at times, and I'm not sure about the "randomness" of the tunes. It seems that any time I'm here, I keep hearing the same handful of songs. Since there are almost 50 songs on the playlist, that shouldn't happen. But - I'm happy with them for now.

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