Well, it's been quite some time since I've posted anything.... so I figure I should write something.
Spent time yesterday playing with new templates, changing fonts/colors/layout, etc... but found nothing appealing, so I'm sticking with the same layout for now.
Did find some great templates/backgrounds at www.pyzam.com.... but I found that when using them, a lot of my blog stuff gets "removed", and I would have to add it back - links to websites, links to posts/photos/etc.... not worth the hassle right now.
Is it a "happy" new year? Too early too tell. Everyone that I know had a difficult time last year (this household included). 2008 is still rocky for a lot of people (this household included)... here's hoping things improve greatly - and soon!
The photo has little to do with a "new year", although it reminds me of the sunset snowmobile rides we used to take in January/February, many years ago. The temps were bitter cold, but the appearance of even a sun setting would keep you warm enough til you got home again.
Taking a look around here, I see this blog is one hell of a boring place! I keep asking for suggestions, but my "friends" can't seem to be able to offer anything. When I first started this blog and sent links to most of those closest to me, I realized that since I had done so, I couldn't really talk about them here... especially if I had anything negative to say. But hey... do you see those friends "contributing"? Do you see them commenting? My pal Jason was the only one who sent pics when asked.... I had to twist everyone else's arm. So um - no negative comments about Jason here... I can't think of anything negative to say about he or Kerry anyway. (well, there is that ONE thing...) >:-) But it's open season on the rest of you... Denise... Sandy (er, Sandra), Jeff, anyone who lives in Chicago, anyone who's initials are B.K. .... anyone who weighs over 100 lbs... be prepared to read about yourselves in the coming weeks/months. bwahahahahaha
No new years resolutions here... who keeps them? But I did start a couple of things that one would normally use as a resolution... (no, I didn't give that up). Maybe I'll share those things with ya at a later date. Okay, I can tell ya that I've lost 30 lbs. since the first of the year. I've flipped off 50% fewer people on the roadways than I used to... AND - I'm cutting back on smoking. I'm down to 4 packs a day! Wooohooo! ;) I guess I could try Sandy's method of quitting... but I don't feel like getting pregnant that often. And kids are not bringing in a decent price on Ebay these days! Soooo......... I'll have to go another route.
I also stopped going to Mickey D's.... mainly because I got tired of emailing corporate after every visit.... (or maybe corporate got tired of hearing from me). I do like McDonald's Chicken BLT (crispy), but the rest of their food is really nasty. And our McDonald's provides the worst service of any McD's I've ever been to. They're slow, they're not very bright - and it seems they're always out of anything you want.
I hope everyone has an enlightening and uplifting 2008... send pics!!! And watch for my comments about you!
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