Okay, I like to cook. I like to eat, too. But usually don't get enough time for either. Cooking is like playing in the mud, but even when your creations turn out awful, they still taste better than mud pies. Yeah I know... mud pies used to be the bomb.... along with paste, play-doh, school cafeteria food (at least when you were really hungry).
I don't eat liver. I don't eat most seafood these days. I used to eat fish all the time. But when you move from a small town where fresh fish is plentiful and delicious - to a large city where the supermarket fish departments are all really smelly, you tend to lose your appetite for seafood.... at least I did.
Tomatoes? Depends. I don't especially care for tomato sauces or tomatoes in salads, unless they're really fresh and tomato-y. Hothouse tomatoes are pointless. I will eat bruschetta... yellow tomatoes, fried green tomatoes.... green tomato relish. I don't like tomatoes on anything.
I don't eat sushi either. Yuk. It's beyond me why people would eat the raw version of something that you can get very ill from (or die from) even when it's cooked. I love canned tuna though.... is that raw? Please say it isn't.
I guess this post needs some editing, but I'm tired of writing. So for now I'll just say that I set up this section for "random recipes" - good recipes that I've tried or at least have read about.... helpful cooking tips.... or maybe you have a really great recipe that you'd like to share with the world. Feel free to post it here....
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