random ramblings for the day....
No intention of writing anything about this particular holiday. It's not that I don't enjoy it (chocolate is my middle name), and it's not that I don't celebrate... I just had no plans to write anything about it. But if you enjoy the holiday, then I hope you had a special day!
When I told my pal Jason that I was returning to Wisconsin, and told him that we were seriously considering this area, he asked why... and added that it was so rednecky up this way. Well, kinda, sorta, I thought... but no more so than any other place. (definitely not as bad as where we were at in Florida!).
But I've been readin the email addresses in the "to" field when I get one of those mass-emailings from a Wisconsinite - and when they forget to use BCC. Names like "Bubba", "schlong", "grandpasmokey" - even "banjos_in_the_woods" (I kid you not) - show up on a semi-regular basis. Maybe Dorothy & Toto weren't in Kansas, but it was still a step up from this place!
Joking, of course. The senders of these emails are some of the most genuine people on the planet, and I'm sure their family & friends are, as well. And Wisconsin really is one of the most beautiful places on the planet.
Was going to blog a bit more about McDonald's - and their inability to do anything correctly, but if I shared all of my Mickey D experiences, it would quickly turn into a book.
This morning I went for my steak bagel meal, with a large Diet Coke - and an extra steak bagel. I ended up with one steak bagel, and one "what the heck is this?" I had never seen it before... a sausage patty between what looked like mini-smooshed blueberry pancakes? (at least I HOPE those were blueberries). It turns out that this was a McGriddle - not a McRiddle, as I had originally thought. It wouldn't have been half bad, had they provided some maple syrup 'dipping sauce'... but after two bites I had enough. At least I know what not to order next time. I can see where the confusion came from, however. I ordered a No. 13 meal... what they gave me was a No. 8 meal. 13 and 8 sound so similar, you know...
We have so many restaurant choices just a short drive from here, I'm not sure why I bother with McDonald's at all. When I figure that out, though - I'll let ya know.
The doorbell just rang. Our next-door neighbor has her little nieces visiting again. Don't they know my feelings about kids? Unless they do windows, they're likely to end up in the oven.
It seems these cute lil girls have recently discovered "Ding Dong Ditch" (or ring the doorbell and run)... but they're a little young, so they ring the doorbell - and they just stand there. haha That in itself is kinda cute. I asked what they wanted... they didn't know... but apparently they wanted me to see how cute they are when they giggle. I'm actually glad to see someone carrying on the tradition. I will have to give them some pointers... and teach them the many uses for a slightly-melted Baby Ruth bar. >;-)