Tis that time of year again.... when the loonybirds gather together, take off most of their clothing, and then jump into ice-cold water - for no apparent reason. This action attracts large crowds of more crazies, who gather to watch the lunacy - also for no apparent reason.
Polar bear plunges, they call them. Many are done for charity, and I believe these 'plunges' raised over $2 million for charity last year? Okay... but aren't there more sane ways to raise money?
The Green Bay Press-Gazette recently did a story on area plunges, and had a nice little group of photos showing the whack jobs. I didn't plan to browse the gallery, but one photo did catch my eye.
A man in Idaho is arrested for second-degree murder when his daughter dies of hypothermia. Child protective services is called when a kid is found wandering around the neighborhood without a coat. But apparently it's perfectly acceptable to purposely undress your kids and drag them into freezing water?
I don't think so!