Seems I was just here a few days ago... but I see that was the end of May. Here it is, almost mid-August, and Summer is about over. Well, in many places in the U.S., summer is drawing to a close. I recall many "first snowfalls" in September in Wisconsin. Here in Florida, it's Summer til about December... then you get a week here and there of cold weather, and then it's Summer all over again.
I spent most of my free time the first five months of the year trying to put together our high school class reunion (can't say which one- that would date me). ;) It took quite a bit of time to track down 70-some classmates. It was incredibly difficult to get any kind of response from several classmates... and only
after they found out that the reunion had been canceled, did they bother to respond, expressing their 'disappointment'. Yeah right. If you were that interested, you could have responded right away.
While I had many good ideas, and knew exactly what would make a good reunion, I had no idea how much time was required. Even though I hadn't been to any previous reunions, I was all set to attend this one. And since many of our classmates had attended previous reunions, I figured they'd be excited about this one as well. Not so. Bunch of slugs. There were three of us that did any regular communicating/planning. In the end, we decided against a reunion. And when the next reunion rolls around, I will be nowhere to be found. I've kept in contact with those classmates that I wanted to keep in contact with. The rest? Oh well....
Some of you know that we will be relocating - just as soon as the house sells. That's another ordeal that's been difficult... not because we have a crappy house... just because the market is so bad. We have three
very interested parties.... but they can't move until their home sells. We have one really bad realtor. That's all I'm saying about this particular subject, because it really angers me. HOPEfully, we'll be moving within the next couple of months. We'll be headed back to Wisconsin - where people are a little friendlier, and where there are four distinct and beautiful seasons.
I'm a great uncle! At the beginning of July, my nephew & his girlfriend had a baby. Rosalie (although I'm still not sure about the spelling). She was a tiny thing, and spent quite a bit of time in the hospital with complications... but she's home now, and doing well. I'll have to post a couple photos.
I hope things are going GREAT for someone out there... it seems everyone I know and/or have talked with has had a pretty bad year. And hopefully I'll be able to spend a little more time on this blog business. I don't know how people find the time for daily entries. I know I sure don't have that much free time.
I'm off to finish off a coconut cream pie - and read a little more of Elie Wiesel's "Night."