24 December 2007
18 December 2007
heart quilt
Irish chain throw

But someone asked for a pic of this block, so I posted it here instead of emailing them, in case someone else was interested.
This will be a single Irish chain throw.... the squares in the 9-patch are 2" finished... and the solid block will be the floral fabric. I think just a solid rust border will work, hey?
This block is outta shape... the seams were lining up perfectly, but I didn't wanna take chances, so I pinned. Instead of pulling the pins out, I sewed over one, made a mess, and the fabric got all stretched out. hehe But the NEXT ones will be poifect!
10 December 2007
01 December 2007
christmas is comin!

No one has asked yet, what I want for Christmas this year. While "peace on earth, goodwill toward men" are nice sentiments, I've wanted that too many times, so this year I'm asking for something else.
Good news! While I've been steering clear of amazon.com lately, I did stop by yesterday and took a look at my "wish list". Yeah, it was wayyyyyy too large. So I whittled it down. Really! I took off two items! So now I'm down to just 411 items! I'm guessin that a $500 gift certificate from 4 or 5 friends could really help with that list!
Okay, okay... some of the items on the list are not things that I'm really wishing for... they're just reminders - to look for other things. But you really should help me out, here! One of the items has been on the list so long that it's "no longer available". Um, I wrote a review on that item, but it was a bad review, because it doesn't mention the item/title, so I have no clue as to what that could be. I left it on the list though, as a reminder that impulse buying really does serve a purpose!
Did ya see Martha Stewart's Christmas 2007? I watched today... along with Chicago's Thanksgiving Parade. Um, wasn't Thanksgiving a week ago? Of course everything Martha did was flawless, and "a good thing" (although I noticed she doesn't use that phrase too often anymore). Did she have plastic surgery? Her face looked flawless today. Quality camera lenses? I noticed her hair was too long & messy these past few months... maybe she was tryin to recapture her "rough & tough" image of her time in the big house? (just another angry lesbian?) Or maybe she just left her hair long n messy to cover surgery scars? Who knows, but she was lookin pretty good.... and her show helped put me in a Christmas mood. Of course, the roast she made, along with the brussel sprouts & meringue santas made me hungry - so I went eating, and didn't have time left to do anything Christmas-y. OH well... It must have been "Martha" weekend.... she was also on TCM last night, sitting with Robert Osborne... and "her" favorite movies.
My sister sent me pics of her Christmas tree today... via cell phone. She upgraded, and now I get text messages and photos, oh - every 5-10 minutes or so. I'm glad someone in the family can operate those boogers. I try to text, but then I push a wrong button, and the messages I send usually end up lookin like a terrorist threat written in Arabic, or somethin. I'm sure Homeland Security is monitoring both my cell phone and my computer. Anyway... my sister's tree was perfect- as usual. She's very creative - better than Martha, because she uses more practical, everyday items. Her house is really something to see at Christmas. Her food is better too, and she doesn't have to send out to get people to do the work for her... she does it all herself. One of her three kids could help...afterall, I thought that was the main reason for having kids... so you had live-in help. I really need to get there one of these days... it's been 7 years since I've seen her! That's not totally by choice... some of you know why I haven't been to Wisconsin in so long. As for the rest of you - wait for the book to come out.
Yes, I changed my colors here again.... and the template. I sorta liked what I had, but then realized that what I had was just too close to what a friend has.... at least I know they/I have good taste!
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