I really like Halloween.... but like every other holiday in Florida, it doesn't have a lot of meaning. No cold weather, no Autumn leaves....and in this hood, no kids, so no trick-or-treaters.
We wanted to put somethin out for Halloween... but after a few minutes in one store, we realized we could spend a small fortune just on Halloween junk. Yikes! They have so much cool stuff out there! But a lot of it is cutesy stuff.... bah. Halloween was meant to be scary.... VERY scary. Downright horrific! And unless yer using real body parts and tombstones and can convince a few ghosts to show, some of the stuff the box stores are selling just aren't worth the money.
Again, we wanted something... but didn't wanna go overboard, so this is what we came up with. This is in front of the garage. There's a matching "pumpkin with purple" by the front door, but for some reason, I can't get a clear picture. Maybe the ghosts keep getting in the way?
The front porch could use more, and we have a lot of space in the front yard/drive. But the landscape would block a lot of it, and the lawn guys would mow over any electrical cords, so we'd have to keep moving them.
Not the greatest display, but it's somethin! If anyone has suggestions on how to use the purple lights to "highlight" the jack o lantern without just layin em on the ground (it looks great from a distance), lemme know, 'kay? And if you have pics of Halloween displays (yours or someone else's) email them to me so I can post them here!
Oh yeah... there's a very scary looking vampire bat hangin in the tree (that blob), and a couple of other bats.... obviously those didn't show up either. :(