28 August 2007


Okay............. this is my umpteenth attempt at making a little home for myself in cyberspace. The first few minutes, hours - days even, go very well. I'm full of ambition. I spend a large amount of time with layout and set-up and fonts and colors and html codes and photos and very wordy initial posts, but I lose interest very quickly.

I'm not sure why I'm here. I have plenty in life to keep me busy. Most of those things I enjoy, although there are quite a few obligations that annoy the hell out of me, even though participation is mandatory. Still, television sucks these days, newspapers are depressing, satellite radio manages to slip that Rap crap into almost every station, chat rooms stink, online games are fun at times.... and I currently don't reside in an area that allows me to do everything I want to do - indoors or out - so I thought I'd give this another try.

It seems the best, most active blogs are those with some sort of theme. I couldn't decide on a theme, and "random roads" has always seemed to fit my lifestyle, so I went with it. Hopefully each entry here - if I manage to maintain this blog - will have some type of theme. Any suggestions?

Please feel free to comment on anything and everything. All suggestions will be considered, although all may not be appreciated. ;-)

Hopefully, this will turn out to be a place of interest to someone, somewhere. Now - where do I post my photo albums??? Anyone wanna order a pizza?

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