28 September 2007

house n yard photos

Here are some various house and yard photos. Most were taken with the old camera, and aren't the best quality. My scanner isn't working properly today, so that doesn't help. I don't have time (at this posting) to post everything, but there are quite a few, so I figured I should get started. Too many people - in email, in snail mail, or on the phone say "send pics!". While this is a little time-consuming, I figure it will save time in the long run, cuz I can just send people here. hehehe

I really will have to update these photos though... Furniture gets rearranged, window treatments change, and the wall colors change - about once a year. And the yard.... plants grow! I didn't realize how much stuff has grown around here until I started posting these photos. I need some new ones!

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